Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie... Contact

Treatments for men

  • Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie...
    for men
    Medicine and aesthetic care
    to increase your masculinity
  • Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie...
    to increase your
    Treatments for men
    Reduce signs of aging

Esthetic medicine treatments for men

Medicine and esthetic care to increase your masculinity

Esthetic medicine treatments for men

Medicine and esthetic care to increase your masculinity

Men's skin is thicker, ages more slowly and does not wrinkle. The specificity of men is that they are looking for a quick, painless and especially effective treatment. Their motivation is above all to please but also to please themselves, and not to appear tired anymore.

treatments de Esthetic medicine pour l'homme

What does the man expect from esthetic medicine?

Remove wrinkles or correct a tired look... Today's man is a reflection of modern life, of his time, active, dynamic, efficient, fully aware of the need to take care of his physical appearance to face his social and professional responsibilities.

Like women, men want to slow down aEnd reduce the signs of aging: remove wrinkles from the upper face with an injection of botulinum toxin or fill in some wrinkles with Hyaluronic acid. The demand for Esthetic medicine treatments for men is constantly growing. In today's society, appearances are paramount and to feel better about oneself, one must feel good on the outside.

Men are looking for the right match between their face and their figure, more masculinity through a square and more angular face, a sign of testosterone. To keep a fresh and dynamic look thanks to Esthetic medicine, we can act without a scalpel at different levels. Your Juventas aesthetic center offers different techniques of Esthetic medicine for the rejuvenation of the face of the male patient in Brussels, Waterloo and Rhode-Saint-Genèse.

Treatment of wrinkles with BOTOX® for men

BOTOX® is used to correct forehead wrinkles, lion wrinkles between the eyebrows and crow's feet. The treatment of wrinkles with botulinum toxin aims to temporarily put the muscle at rest. The injections are done in the office and require an analysis of the muscle balance of the facial muscles. It is a real radiance boost for the eyes, and you will find a more rested look.

More information about BOTOX®

Injection botulinum toxin

Treatment of dark circles and eye contours with hyaluronic acid for men

Under-eye circles give a tired appearance. Dark circles can also be corrected by an injection of Hyaluronic acid, simply at the office. The objective of the Treatment of dark circles with Hyaluronic acid is to correct the signs of fatigue and rejuvenate the eyes by correcting the eye socket. This product is resorbed over time, with a duration of action of approximately one year. The results are surprising and save a few years.

More information abour the treatment of dark circles

Hyaluronic acid or PRP

Reshaping male lines with hyaluronic acid or HArmonyCa™ injections

Excess skin on the neck gives a sagging appearance, excess fat a double chin appearance. Hyaluronic acid volumizing can give back youngsse to a face. The objective of this treatment is to correct signs of fatigue such as sagging features: nasolabial folds and bitterness folds. It also helps redefine male features that disappear with age due to the loss of certain volumes: chin receding towards the back, loss of the "square" aspect of the jaw, loss of the volume of the temples. Many men are now resorting to this procedure.

More information about hyaluronic acid

Fillers and volume

Treatment options