Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie... Contact


Restore the oval of the face, surgery without scalpel

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Before considering a facelift and a scalpel, Esthetic medicine offers soft solutions to visibly rejuvenate and restore volume: different anti-sagging resorbable solutions.

Fillers as an alternative to surgical lifting: Hyaluronic acid

Restaurer l'ovale du visage, la chirurgie sans bistouri Fillers are injectable products mainly based on Hyaluronic acid which is resorbable, non-allergic and non-invasive. The results are immediate.

Hyaluronic acid is naturally present in cartilage and in the skin but its quantity decreases with time, weakening our epidermis. Volumizing Hyaluronic acid (Allergan Voluma) is injected with a classic needle or cannula into the cheekbones and into the valley of tears or along the jawline. To redefine the oval and the nasolabial fold and to restore the cheeks' shape.

Advantages of fillers, filling products

Convincing results. The results are visible, immediate and natural: wrinkles filled in, nasolabial folds and bitterness folds filled in, cheeks and cheekbones re-volumized, valley of tears and dark circles plumped up...

Less expensive. The cost of a Voluma injection session starts at 400 €, depending on the quantity of product used.

Faster. The procedure lasts only a few minutes and you can return to work the next day. With a facelift, you can expect up to 15 days of downtime.

Less painful. No surgery, therefore no scalpel, no general anesthesia, no scars, no after-effects, no pain...

Absorbable. The injections have fewer after-effects than surgery and are not irreversible.

Lifting with tensor threads

It consists of installing notched threads that hook into the dermis to pull the tissues of the face. These invisible threads reshape the cheekbones, the sagging neck and the oval of the face. This technique can erase all kinds of wrinkles: bitterness folds around the mouth, between the nose and the upper lip...

In one procedure under local anesthesia, this treatment consists of installing the thread where the sagging begins. The patient can resume normal activities in the days that follow. This facelift without scalpel avoids hospitalization, general anesthesia, scars, social eviction and postoperative effects. Since it does not act on the muscles, there is no risk of obtaining a frozen face or changing expressions.

Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie...

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Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie...